Am button

Available sinceversion 1.0

What’s it for

Displays a button to redirect the user to another location. The example below shows 3 differently formatted buttons:


Buttons can be grouped together by using the Am button group macro.

Configuration Parameters


Sets the title of the button.


Sets a color for the button. There are some 20 different colors to choose from.


Choose button’s size. Options are:

  • Default

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

Light mode

When selected, the selected color (see above) will appear in a more faded version. Example:



When selected, the background color is used for the text and borders. When hovering over an outlined button, the button’s background turns to the background color. Example:

When hovering over an outlined button, its colors will be inversed:


When checked the button’s corners will be rounded off as shown below:


Adds a Font Awesome icon in front of the button text. Examples:

the following icons have been used in these buttons: fas fa-address-book / fas fa-clipboard / fas fa-angle-double-right

For this to work, you need to have the Font Awesome libraries installed in your Confluence instance.


Add a URL to which the user will be directed when clicking the button.